
Linguafest – Day 1
Day 1 of this language-based fest was full of enthusiasm and rich learning experience. The visitors and parents appreciated the hard work and efforts put in by students and staff in putting up an experiential activity-based fest.Almost 150 students and 30 teachers from 4 neighbourhood schools and parents of KBVites in large numbers visited the campus to be part of the Day 1 event. The board members and office bearers of KBV also graced the occasion by their presence.
Linguafest – Day 2
The day drew loads of visitors be it parents, alumni, teams from neighbourhood schools. Around 258 students, 27 staff from 8 neighbourhood schools visited the fest today.The 2 day fest in all had a footfall of almost 2000 visitors who were fascinated by the communication skills of the KBV students right from UKG to Gr 12.We extended a heartfelt thanks to the Chief Guests, Guests of honour, all parents, board members, staff and students of KBV for making the event a wonderful learning experience.