Class VII Field trip – Daksina Chitra

Class VII Field trip – Daksina Chitra Our school organised a field trip for the students of class VII to Daksina Chitra Heritage museum in Muttukadu, OMR on 29th August.98 students accompanied by 4 teachers visited the museum.The main objective of the trip was to get to know the life style, architecture and to get […]

Saraswathi Pooja

Saraswathi Pooja Our school celebrated Saraswati pooja on 28th september 2022 in a grand manner.The Programme started at 9.30 a.m with the stage show in which primary students performed various shows like sloka recitation, Fancy dress,and dance fusion.Our board members, principal and beloved teachers took part in this Pooja Celebration.Then students came to visit the […]

Tribute to Leaders – Sir C V Raman

Tribute to Leaders- Sir C V Raman Quick Links About Us Management Committee Gallery Fee Payment Circular Homework Periodic Assessment-20 marks Periodic test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of the test dates by school. Note book submission 5 marks at term-end. View more >>

Class VI Field Trip – Sea Shell Museum

Class VI Field Trip – Sea Shell Museum Class VI students visited the Indian Sea Shell Museum on 10 th September 2022. They visited 8 different Museums including the Sea shell museum, Pearl museum, Aqua museum, Mini Asia, Mineral museum, Dino park, 3D art gallery, and Horror museum. In the sea shell museum, students sighted […]


PADHA POOJA FOR CLASSES VIII – XI Our school, Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya, consecrated Padha Pooja for Classes VIII – XI with a spectacular display on 31/10/2022. The Principal Vijayalakshmi Raja welcomed the priests of three religions, the board members, the parents, and the students. The Priest Kathirkama Sivam lauded the school for incubating rich social […]

CSCC – North Cluster Handball and Basketball tournament

CSCC – North Cluster Handball and Basketball tournament Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya hosted CSCC – North Cluster handball and basketball tournament on 29th October 2022. Our principal Ms.Vijayalakshmi inaugurated the event officially by lighting the Kuthuvilakku and felicitated all the teams. The event saw an ensemble of1.KRM PUBLIC SCHOOL2. RMK SENIOR SEC SCHOOL3. THIRUTHANGAL NADAR VIDYALAYA4. OUR […]

Class XI – Field trip

Class XI – Field trip Day 1 Day 1 – 18th October 2022 On 18.11.2022 planned to visit the Egmore museum, Egmore fine arts college and Egmore Connemara library. Our primary interest is to find out more information on artifacts. In five building students visited the sculpture gallery, science gallery, ethology and folk religion gallery and […]

Class III Field trip – Zoo

Class III Field trip – Zoo An educational trip to the Arignar Anna zoological park was organised by our school, for the students of grade III on 23rd October,2022 to promote awareness and to expose the children to the world of amazing animals, reptiles,fishes and birds.Children had an opportunity to see varieties of animals and […]

Janmashtami 2022

Janmashtami 2022 Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna. Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya celebrated with great zeal and pomp by our little Radhas and little Krishnas on 18th August on our school premises. Our Principal sang the song in a euphonious tone. Parents prepared flavoursome snacks and sweets for the celebration. The photo […]

An Interactive Session on the project “Know Your Trees”

An Interactive Session on the project “Know Your Trees” An exclusive webinar was organized for all private schools by AMPS,on the topic “know Your Trees” which was scheduled on Saturday,24th September 2022 at 11:00am.The session was presided over by the resource person Ms.Kavitha Patel,coordinator of Kavi Bharthi Vidyalaya. She explained everything about the booklet that was given for the […]