Bunny Investiture

Kavi Bharthi Vidyalaya organised a Bunny Investiture ceremony on 24th of August 2022. Our chief guest Mrs.Mala Thangaraja and Mrs. Renuka Devi inaugurated the bunny unit and blessed our tiny tots to be as active as bunnies and always smile owing the motto of the Bunny movement. Our bunnies received the ‘ Bunny Aprons’ from […]
Alumni Meet 2022-23

Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya organized ‘Alumni Meet’ on 14th August 2022 to foster a sense of connectedness among alumni. The alumni meet is to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate their success and various achievements. The alumni started arriving in school by 11.00 am and they have been asked to fill the registration form. The Alumni […]
Cubs and Bulbul Investiture

The investiture ceremony for cubs and Bulbul was held on 22nd and 23rd of August 2022.The program started with a prayer song and flag song followed by greeting the audience. Then the badges and scarfs were donned to the new recruits. Our guest of honour Mrs.Mala Thangaraja and Mrs.kalavathi addressed the new recruits with inspiring […]
Career Counseling Program by Mr. Selvaganesh – Auditor

A career counseling session was organized by the Management of Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya for class 11 students on 21st July, 2022. The resource person, Auditor Selvaganesh made the session interactive. His experience in the field of commerce reflected in his discourse. He advocated a lot of career options to the students and various strategies to […]
Career Counseling Program by Mrs. Hema Murali – Advocate

A guest lecture was organized by the Management of Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya for class 11 students of both Humanities and Commerce on 17th of September, 2022. The resource person was Ms. Hema Murali, one of the leading advocate in Chennai. The resource person gave a lot of inputs and insights regarding legal studies and the […]
Class IV Field Trip – Crocodile Park

Class IV Field Trip – Crocodile Park A field trip can provide children with more advantages to explore and understand a new environment. The impact of an educational trip can do more than just expand the child’s knowledge; it is also a chance for them to build a bond with other peer groups and create […]
Green day Activity

Quick Links About Us Management Committee Gallery Fee Payment Circular Homework Periodic Assessment-20 marks Periodic test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of the test dates by school. Note book submission 5 marks at term-end. View more >>
Scouts and Guides: Saplings planting Activity

Scouts and Guides Saplings planting Activity Planting trees help our biodiversity ensure the supply of oxygen for the next generation and provide us with various sources, through this activity our students understood the advantage of trees plantation, this activity induce the students to take the tree plantation as one of their hobbies. 22 Scouts & […]
Story Corner

Story corners have been set up in all primary classrooms as a part of welcoming students in the month of June. Teachers decorated the allotted space based on a theme. The central motive is to enhance their reading skills. Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya has taken a step to inculcate the habit of spending time with books […]
International Yoga Day

Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya celebrated International Yoga Day with a yoga training session for the students. The programme commenced with prayer and our guest Ms Renuka Devi, a social worker and a homemaker who taught surya namaskaram, egapathasana and deviasana. She has shared her experiences on how yoga changed her life healthier and happier. Our students […]