LINGUAFEST (2024-2025)

LINGUAFEST(2024-2025) Linguafest – Day 1Day 1 of this language-based fest was full of enthusiasm and rich learning experience. The visitors and parents appreciated the hard work and efforts put in by students and staff in putting up an experiential activity-based fest. Almost 150 students and 30 teachers from 4 neighbourhood schools and parents of KBVites […]

Student Council Election

Student Council Election Soon after the assembly elections in Tamilnadu on 19 April, students & staff of Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya went to polls to elect its Student Council for Academic Year 2024-25 on Wednesday, 24 April. 83% students (685/819) from Gr 3 to 10 & 12 and 90% staff casted votes to elect the 11 […]

Class Parent Induction

Class Parent Induction Parents as Partners to the School System! At Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya we strongly believe that parents are the 3rd edge of a triangle along with management and teachers who play a crucial role in shaping the future of a student. So in order to strengthen this triangulated relationship the Class Parent Induction […]

International Yoga Day (21-06-2024)

International Yoga Day (21-06-2024) International “Yoga day” was celebrated at our school on June 21st, 2024 with great enthusiasm and energy. The event aimed to promote the benefits of Yoga and its importance in today’s fast- paced world.The event began with a Yoga demonstration and students from class 1 to 12 performed various “Yoga Asanas” […]


REPORT ON STUDENT COUNCIL INDUCTION – 2024-25 The Student Council Induction Ceremony at Kavi Bharathi Vidyalaya was a celebration of leadership and achievement. The event began with a prayer song and the Tamizh Thai Vazhthu, followed by birthday celebrations and a heartfelt welcome speech. The march-past highlighted the dedication and accomplishments of the student candidates. […]

KG Reopening (2024- 25)

KG Reopening (2024- 25) The bright sun peeked through the curtains signaling the dawn of a new chapter in the lives of our little florets as they embarked on their first day of kindergarten. Teachers welcomed their little darlings with beautiful greeting cards, cute bags and warm smiles. Inside the four walls of our classrooms, […]


CLASS X AND XII PARENT ORIENTATION PROGRAMME The Parent Orientation Programme for classes X and XII held on April 13, 2024, aimed to familiarize parents with the school’s policies, student conduct rules, and recent changes in the board exam pattern. The event was held in the school auditorium from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. The […]


MAHA HOMAM On Thursday, 28 March a Maha-homam (Ganapati, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Navagraha) was organised in the KBV premises in the brahma – muhurtam (5 to 7 am) to commemorate the beginning of new Academic year (2024-25) and successful completion of AY 2023-24 by seeking the blessings of Lord Ganapati, Maa Saraswati and Lakshmi. The […]

31stNational Children’s Science Congress

31stNational Children’s Science Congress The 31st National Children’s Science Congress, coordinated by the Tamil Nadu Science Forum, conducted a competition to carry out project under the focal theme “Understanding Ecosystems for Health and Well-Being.”. A workshop was conducted for the guide teacher to better understand how to carry out the project on August 4, 2023, […]


LKG AND UKG FIELD TRIP – ECO PARK Kavibharathi vidhyalaya organized a Field trip for class lkg and ukg 6th of March to the Eco park along with class teacher and caretakers. We started from our school campus at 9:00am and reached there at 10:00am. When we got there we took entry tickets and we […]