- 21st Century is uncertain
- The career that was not known in 20th Century now exists; so we do not know for what career we need to prepare our students
- The gadgets that was not known in 20th Century now exists; so we do not know what gadgets our students are going to use in future
- In the above context, we understand that our curriculum has to be challenging to teach 21st Century students with 20th Century teachers. We strongly believe that ‘Pre-packaged curriculum’ undermines teachers’ professionalism. So, we have designed our own school curriculum based on CBSE guidelines. Our curriculum is child centered, purposeful, meaningful, relevant, collaborative and enjoyable. It discourages rote memory and encourages project oriented learning. It will motivate students to question ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘when’.
We understand that each student is different, so our curriculum will be
- Inclusive and assist every student regardless of ability
- Helpful to reach and cater to student’s potential as learners
- Forward looking and prepare students for future
- Able to develop student’s competency in areas such as
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Critical thinking
- Problem solving
- Creativity
- Diversity
- Learning to learn
- Skills to learn independently.
Our curriculum will provide space for teachers to adapt the curriculum to suit the students of a class. It will not demand that every student learn exactly the same content, the same way and exactly the same number of hours. It will provide flexibility for teachers to ensure that treatment of content is appropriate to students’ needs and capabilities.
The curriculum and pedagogy it promotes, will acknowledge that students learn in different and individual ways.
- Some students are very effective and skilled listeners; they are auditory learners
- Some require pictures, slides and videos, they are visual learners
- Other learn best through practical exercises; they are kinesthetic learners.
Some students tread like a tortoise, they move slowly step by step. Others are like rabbits, they hop and skip steps. A good quality curriculum will encourage teachers to get to know their students learning style and behavior; then direct them towards achieving the best learning outcomes. Our school curriculum provides everything what the students need. It is not textbook driven.
School Hours
The school timings will be age appropriate. This difference in timings may cause some difficulty to parents who have more than a child studying in different classes; yet they should understand the ideology behind it and cooperate with the school.
- Pre KG to UKG 3 Hours from 9 am to 12 am
- LKG & UKG – 3 hours from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm
- Class I & II – 4 ½ hours + 30 minutes lunch break; from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm
- Class III to V – 5 ½ hours + 30 minutes lunch break; from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm
- Class VI & VIII – 6 ½ hours + 30 minutes lunch break; from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm
- Class IX & X – 7 ½ hours + 30 minutes lunch break; from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm
The school has a full-fledged basketball court, hand ball court and a kho-kho playing area. Students will be divided into four houses and intra-murals will be conducted in all sports and games activities. Annual sports day will be a grand affair where every child will have an opportunity to participate.
Independence day and Republic day will be celebrated to induce and nurture the patriotic fervour in our students. Farmers’ day and Education day will be celebrated to make students understand the importance of farming and education. Annual day with cultural programmes by students will be a great treat for the eyes. The school will ensure that every child participates in one programme or the other.
Every student will be encouraged to develop the habit of collecting materials as a hobby. The hobbies for primary classes are, LKG – Sweet wrappers, Class I – Feathers, Class II – Shells, Class III – Stones, Class IV – Stamps, Class V – Coins. The choice is left to students from class VI onwards.
It is a unique mela conducted in the month of July that will bring out the inner talent of a student. There will be independent competitions, paired competitions and group competitions. This will be a week long activity where every student will be eager to participate.
- At the beginning of every year, an Expo will be conducted on any one of the following topics
- Language
- Mathematics
- Social studies
- Science
- All students will prepare charts, models both static and dynamic showcasing the topics they learnt in the earlier class. This will not only strengthen what was learnt but will also make them expressive.
Co-curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities will be a part of the curriculum. Students will learn yoga and life skills where they will acquire knowledge of gardening, cooking, handwork, fish breeding and beekeeping.
Scouts & Guides fosters personality development of the students and help them imbibe a sense of social responsibility. They become disciplined, courageous, mentally and physically strong so that they can make positive contribution to their community and the wider world. A one-day camp will be organized for Cubs & Bulbuls and five-day camp for Scouts & Guides.
Every class will be taken for a field trip for a day in an academic year. Such trips expose them to be together and get to know about our environment and surroundings.
Educational tours that extend for three to ten days are undertaken from Class VI onwards. It is mandatory, and we expect every parent to send their child. Night stays and being away from parents teach students to be independent.
Kindergarten/Foundational Stage
- Quality education in the early years of schooling sets a firm foundation in the overall development of a child. At Kavi Bharathi, the curriculum provides a right array of activities to help children move towards achieving their early learning goals. We follow a combination of progressive Montessori and traditional curriculum in a friendly child centric environment. The foundational stage is designed keeping the focus on development of language skills and teaching by play-based and activity-based curriculum.
- Our unique curriculum is theme based, which focuses on development of physical, emotional, social, creative and intellectual skills. It is framed to bridge the gap between the kindergarten and the primary classes. Children develop their critical- thinking skills and intellectual curiosity in their classroom and beyond using the innovative lab kit.
The Preparatory Stage
This stage is full of experiments.
The focus would shift to play, discovery and activity-based and interaction classroom learning. The focus till this stage would remain on the development of language and numeracy skills.
The focus would shift to play, discovery and activity-based and interaction classroom learning. The focus till this stage would remain on the development of language and numeracy skills.
- KBV follows the New Educational Policy 2020. Our curriculum has been carefully curated with the objectives of NEP 2020. The subjects are integrated with arts and other multi disciplinary approaches building on the play, discovery, and activity-based pedagogical and curricular style of the Foundational Stage in order to lay a solid groundwork across subjects, including reading, writing, speaking, physical education, art, languages, science, and mathematics.
- The primary curriculum aims to provide a broad learning experience and encourages a rich variety of approaches to teaching and learning that cater for the different needs of individual children. Experiential learning within each subject, and explorations of relations among different subjects, will be encouraged and emphasized.
- Our aim is to:
- Develop each child’s potential to the fullest
- Encourage a love of learning
- Building character and creating holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with the key 21st century skills.
- Help children develop skills which they will apply throughout their life
- Innovative teaching methodologies are used aided with technology to enhance the teaching learning process.
Middle Stage
The structure aims to transform the pedagogy from the existing system to a more experiential learning in the sciences, mathematics, arts, social sciences and humanities. The focus would be on critical learning objectives and not on learning by rote.
Secondary Stage
- The Secondary Stage will comprise of four years of multidisciplinary study, building on the subject-oriented pedagogical and curricular style of the Middle Stage, but with greater depth, greater critical thinking, greater attention to life aspirations, and greater flexibility and student choice of subjects.
- Our aim is to make our students independent lifelong learners, excelling academically and growing up as healthy and responsible citizens, ready to occupy the pinnacles of success. The focus is on encouraging inquiry, exploration and on inculcating confidence for key learning skills like reading, writing, listening, speaking, information technology capability, problem-solving etc. The educational philosophy of the School encourages children to get a wide range of first-hand experiences .The unique teaching methodologies kindle the probing and analytical skills of our students. Activities such as Quiz, Debates and projects take education beyond our class rooms. Technology aided learning is a part of learning process for greater visual and auditory impact
Quick Links
- Homework
Periodic Assessment-20 marks
- Periodic test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of the test dates by school.
- Note book submission 5 marks at term-end.
Periodic Assessment-20 marks
- Periodic test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of the test dates by school.
- Note book submission 5 marks at term-end.